This is it the beginning...
In the beginning was the word...
That was a good start for one author if I recall...
I am trying to find simplicity...
Downsizing has been a chore... from 3 houses to one... from one with 3 bedrooms, a full basement, and a double garage to a mobile home... now possibly to a few rooms or a cabin in Elysian Fields, Texas...
So what am I hoping to accomplish?
Maybe in ridding my life of stuff, I will make more room for life...
a ride to the water, or a walk on a mountain, or even a hug from a grand baby...
in order to do these things I seek to simplify.
Life can be so busy and things rob us of our peace, of important things we need... not necessarily want... but need...
Do I need... shoes? (not in my house...but yes at the store...)
a hat? (on the Ohio beach or in the heat of the Texas sun... yes)
a big house? a chicken? a goat? a cat? a dog? land of my own?
These answers will be so different for each of us... and have even been different at different times of my life... for now I will just take one step at a time...and right now that involves fixing breakfast for James and me...
Just wanted to welcome you to Blogland. It's a wonderful world, almost magical...good magical like "Narnia magic" as Brenda so often says. (She hangs out at Coffee Tea Books and Me, by the way.) Have great fun with blogging and don't be shy! I see that there's a lot happening in your world and I wish you all the very best.