so coffee is ready for James... Andy is still curled up in bed and probably will be till his aide arrives... e-mail all checked... and now to decide on my project for today...
I did get the bottom shelf packed in the bathroom yesterday and went to the beach a sat a bit with James... then we spent some time on our swing in the yard...
we are still hashing our our plans about moving... we think the decision to keep the van is final... now to do some final prep so it can make the 1100 miles journey to Texas from Ohio... seems it needs a new radiator... we will begin the hunt for a radiator deal today...
I'd like to take a moment and thank you for the visit to my woods... and for following my blog. I'm surprised that I can comment here, I'm having issues with visiting blogs and commenting! does have a different meaning to everyone. I think as we age, we appreciate simplicity more. At least I do. Simplicity calms the mind and frees one. I wish you the best of luck in your journey! Enjoy!