This is it the beginning...
In the beginning was the word...
That was a good start for one author if I recall...
I am trying to find simplicity...
Downsizing has been a chore... from 3 houses to one... from one with 3 bedrooms, a full basement, and a double garage to a mobile home... now possibly to a few rooms or a cabin in Elysian Fields, Texas...
So what am I hoping to accomplish?
Maybe in ridding my life of stuff, I will make more room for life...
a ride to the water, or a walk on a mountain, or even a hug from a grand baby...
in order to do these things I seek to simplify.
Life can be so busy and things rob us of our peace, of important things we need... not necessarily want... but need...
Do I need... shoes? (not in my house...but yes at the store...)
a hat? (on the Ohio beach or in the heat of the Texas sun... yes)
a big house? a chicken? a goat? a cat? a dog? land of my own?
These answers will be so different for each of us... and have even been different at different times of my life... for now I will just take one step at a time...and right now that involves fixing breakfast for James and me...