sister's love...pure perfection...
Setting priorities is a ways a challenge...
When my boys were little it was easy... They were first even when they didn't think so...they were... Now there are grandbabies and parent needs that are a part of the mix... I want to be helpful and available for them all... only kink is they are 1100 miles apart!!! So now I am working out logistics to be there for them all... I have a partner in all this. He is quite strong and knowledgeable, and available anytime I need a shoulder to cry on or a new idea or just to know someone is in this situation with me... no it is not my sweetheart (his is all those things as well). It is my GOD... He is always there and can watch over all my little family here and afar and keep all them tucked under his wing of protection. He is always ready with a new idea or plan if I will take the time to let him whisper it into my ear... I just have to remember that he is willing if I am ready. He can protect them all and lead them when I am not right there...he is... I often wonder how others do it all without his must be so hard... well I will go get busy.
you be blessed today...