morning has broken... (i liked that song) today sweetheart and I get to go to the doctor... his first visit and me to find out all the news from the tests last week.
I bought groceries yesterday and tried to plan for me to be healthier. Shopped the perimeter more than the interior and so got more fresh foods than processed... this means more work but healthier food and maybe less poundage for me... I am back under 270 again...was 269 this morn... the water pills are having an effect and trying to be more careful seems to help as well. Now just to keep it up... please GOD help me keep it up... I feel so much better when I am smaller and stronger and healthier...*:)
Made banana bread this morn...no sugar, no fat, some whole wheat flour, this is not a sweet bread but uses the banana for fat and sweetener. Serve with melted butter or applesauce on it. Sweetie expecting sweet banana bread was not impressed... had good texture... I packed one of the loaves not sure yet if it will go to the freezer or the grand babies...*:) I will decide after Andy wakes up and tries it.
Here is the recipe:
Minted Banana Bread
2c white flour
2c whole-wheat flour
2tsp. baking soda
2 eggs
1/4c chopped fresh mint (didn't have so left out)(DO NOT USE DRIED MINT)
3/4c plain yogurt or buttermilk (used yogurt)
1tsp grated orange rind (didn't have so left out)
1&1/2c mashed ripe bananas (3 large)
(took mine out of freezer in Ziploc bag-microwaved 3 min-mashed in bag)
mix dry ingredients in large bow.
in small bowl combine remaining ingredients and mix well.
pour banana mixture into flour mixture and stir to mix but do not overwork.
pour into greased floured 9x5 loaf pan or 2-7x3 loaf pans (i did this one)
bake 375 degrees for 50 to 60 min until they test done
(ya know a knife in the middle coming out clean)
cool a few minutes and then turn out on rack to complete cooling.
you be blessed today...