My Mom...She made it to 72!! She is not sure she is so glad about that but it is better than not being here at all. She got some nice phone calls and gifts and was properly honored for this milestone. Does this kind of thing seem to solidify goals for you? It seems to make my goals more tangible.
She is now beginning to see her grandchildren present us with children and it is her pleasure to hear of each new addition on the way! It does not make my goals of seeing my grandchildren's grandchildren seem so far fetched...
Seeing other people meet goals often helps me keep pressing on toward my own... When teaching I stressed setting goals and meeting them is such a big part of any progress. Even tiny goals are progress!! I have to sometimes be my own cheerleader but it does help to meet even the tiny ones...
Every project every goal is made up of many small steps and sometimes I have to celebrate each tiny step on the way to a BIG goal or project...
- celebrating each 10lbs instead of looking at the 180 or so to go!!!
- gaining control of the front yard instead of looking at the whole 6 acres!!
- sewing one new dress instead of the whole summer wardrobe
What are your goals? What are your first tiny steps to reach them?
Remember to count your blessings along the way!! :)